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Emeriti Association Awards

The Dickson Award

Over a span of fifty years, a trust provided by UC Regent Edward Dickson has grown from $207,381 to $2.14 million. Dickson stipulated that the earnings from this endowment would both stimulate and recognize emeriti for their continuing service, teaching, and research. In 2003, UCOP split the fund 10 ways so that each campus could offer a $10,000 award each year.

The UCSD Emeriti Association Awards Committee invites nomination(s) each year based on service to students, to faculty development, to the emeriti, to the community. Please do not hesitate to nominate yourself; you know best how you have apportioned your time since retirement. The amount of the award is $10,000 to be used to support the continued service of the awardee on behalf of the UCSD campus and/or community outreach. Service is defined broadly and includes contributions to student or faculty development, to community outreach, or to projects established by the retirement /emeriti association.

Submissions are open January 1st of each year, with a submission deadline of March 15th.

Submit one or more names to the Emeriti Association Awards Committee c/o Director, UCSD Retirement Resource Center, 9500 Gilman Dr., Dept. 0020, La Jolla, CA 92093-0020. Submissions are to be received by the UCSD Emeriti Association office by March 15, for consideration for that year.

Please take note of the following rules:

      1. All nominations should include the following files

           a. A nomination letter (not longer than 2 pages), which can be a self-nomination

           b. An updated CV (which should highlight the aspects that are relevant to the Dickson Award)

           c. Two or more endorsement letters (not longer than a page), 

2. All nominations should be dated in the current year.  Re-nominations should be reviewed by the nominating parties and accordingly updated or re-dated.

3. Nominations that fail to satisfy these rules can be corrected, completed, updated, and re-submitted in a subsequent year.

Prior Dickson Award recipients

2024: Sonia Ancoli-Israel, David Jordan, and Martin Stein
2023: Richard (Dick) Attiyeh and Peter Cowhey
2022: Irving (Jake) Jacoby and Barbara Sawrey
2021: Jeanne Ferrante and Laurence Brunton
2020: James Dunford and Morton Printz
2019: Joel Dimsdale and Henry C. Powell
2018: Marguerite Jackson, Cecil Lytle and John Wheeler
2017: David Bailey, Ann Craig, and David Miller
2016: Ruth Covell and Charles Kennel
2015: Jack C. Fisher and Wayne Cornelius
2014: Richard Somerville
2013: Mel Green
2012: Marjorie Caserio and Lea Rudee
2011: Jerry Schneider
2009: Peter Farrell and Robert Hamburger
2008: Sandy Lakoff and Kurt Benirschke

Constantine Panunzio Distinguished Emeriti Award

This award honors emeritus professors in the University of California system.

Created by a bequest from Professor Panunzio of UCLA, the award honors outstanding scholarly work and/or educational service (e.g. service in professional, University, Academic Senate, emeriti, departmental, or editorial posts or committees) performed by a University of California emeritus or emerita in the humanities or social sciences since retirement. Each campus may set up its own procedures for nomination and selection. Candidates may self-nominate, and initial nominations may be made solely on the basis of a candidate's curriculum vitae.

Appropriate Deans on each campus, as well as the Provost or comparable officer, are asked to solicit nominations for this award from their constituent departments. It is suggested that these be submitted to the President of the campus's Emeriti Association by mid-November of each year, as the Association will review and submit a nomination to the Provost by mid-December.

The Provost's review should be completed and materials returned by mid-January, giving the Association President time to compile a full supporting dossier of the ultimate nominee for the Award's selection committee by the February 10th deadline.

The full supporting dossier should include a cover letter outlining the nominee's distinctive scholarly work and/or educational service since retirement, a copy of his or her curriculum vitae, and supporting letters from leaders in the field commenting specifically on the nominee's achievements since retirement. Furthermore, the campus's Provost, Deans, and pertinent Department Chairs should be informed of the nominee's identity.

Carefully observing the February 10th deadline, it is the responsibility of the Emeriti Association President, finally, to forward the campus's nomination to:

Selection Committee
Constantine Panunzio Distinguished Emeriti Award
UCLA Graduate Division
1237 Murphy Hall
Box 951419
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1419

The selection committee will announce the awardee(s) on or before April 21, 2025. The award, consisting of a cash prize and a certificate, will be presented on the campus of the recipient(s) at a program arranged by that campus.

A list of recipients of the Constantine Panunzio Distinguished Emeriti Award is here.