Access information about the Emeriti Association, including its constitution and by-laws, and retirement preparation resources.
EA Publications
- "Preparing the Soil, Land, Thoroughfares and Local Expectations", by Jack C. Fisher, MD, FACS, Edward A. Dickson

UCSD’s astonishing growth derives from the pivotal role SIO played in wartime research. Preparing the Soil for UCSD is a triumphal tale with plenty of heroes and one resolute villain. Read how UCSD fought to acquire its land land control its thoroughfares, while often engaged in pitched battle against local, state, and federal (meaning military) adversaries.
All donations are used for support of Chancellor's Scholars and Chancellor's Scholarships.
Order form "Preparing the Soil" - Pay using the separate E-Donation link
Suggested donations:
* To obtain one copy - Suggested donation of $15 - Pay here
* To obtain ten copies - Suggested donation of $100 - Pay here
Emeriti Association Resources
- "Celebration of Life" Planning and Letter of Direction (PDF)
- History of the UCSD Emeriti Association (PDF)
- History of the RRC (PDF)
- President's Page
- Officers
- Constitution
- Bylaws (PDF)
- Boynton Booklet
- Founding Director of the RRC (Historical document) (PDF)
UC Retirement Resources
UC Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC)
The UC Retirement Administration Service Center is the place to go for any questions you may have regarding your retirement benefits, including questions about preparing to retire, current retirement annuity issues, change of address, notification of death, and setting up or changing automatic deposit.
View contact information for RASC.
The University of California offers a one-stop-shop, your source for all things retirement:
UC Retirement Benefits
Prepare for your retirement by taking full advantage of the resources provided by UC. In addition to the retirement benefits and savings programs provided by UC, educational and counseling resources provided by UC guide you in the retirement planning process. Learn more about UC retirement benefits, savings programs, and other retirement planning resources.
Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits
When you retire, you may be eligible to receive UC-sponsored health and welfare coverage that may include medical, dental, vision, legal, or AD&D coverage. Learn more about retiree health and welfare benefits and eligibility.
Use the UCRAYS site to find earnings statements, retirement annuity statements, tax withholding, W2 and 1095C, health and welfare current enrollments, direct deposit, the Retirement Estimator, and beneficiary information.
Retirement Estimator
The Retirement Estimator allows you to view estimates for your retirement benefits for different ages based on your current salary. The Estimator allows you to observe how changes to your work schedule or salary affect your pension. Learn more about the Retirement Estimator, available for use at the UCRAYS site.
Fidelity Retirement Services
Find information about your 403b and 457 investments.