You can join the UC San Diego Emeriti Association as a regular or associate member.
- Regular members pay lifetime or annual membership dues to the Emeriti Association. To qualify as a regular member, you must have retired from the University of California as one of the following:
- A member of the Academic Senate
- A non-Senate recipient of the emeritus title
- A non-Senate employee with educational and professional qualifications comparable to those of emeritus faculty and who are duly nominated and approved in accordance with the Emeriti Association bylaws (PDF).
- Associate members pay an annual amount equal to the dues established for regular members. To qualify as an associate member, you must be one of the following:
- The spouse of a regular member
- The widow or widower of a former member or a Senate member who died in service while eligible to retire
- A person duly nominated and approved in accordance with the bylaws (PDF)
- An active member of the Academic Senate or an active non-Senate employee with comparable educational and professional experience wishing to associate with and support the Emeritus Association
Joining the Association
You can join the UCSD Emeriti Association as a member and as a mentor.
- Become a member:
- Complete the online membership application (PDF).
- Write a check, payable to UCSD Emeriti Association, for the appropriate membership type:
- Regular single (annual): $30
- Regular couple (annual): $40
- Lifetime single: $300
- Lifetime couple: $400
- Mail your check and completed membership application to:
UCSD Emeriti Association
9500 Gilman Drive, Dept. 0020
La Jolla, CA 92093-0020
- Join electronically: Simply complete the online membership application here and process an e-payment to the UCSD Emeriti Association by using one of the payment links below:
- Become a mentor:
The UCSD Emeriti Association aims to retain the experience and energy of the retired faculty of UCSD by:
- Providing members an opportunity to maintain contact with their colleagues
- Promoting the general welfare of the members, their spouses, and their survivors
- Assisting members to continue their contributions to society
- Performing other acts necessary to attain and administer the Association's goals.
- Encouraging educational programming.
- Representing emeriti views to the University administration.
- Creating a continued connection to campus life
Members receive the following benefits:
- A UCSD ID card
- Access to the UCSD Libraries, including borrowing privileges
- Discounts on a variety of campus programs, including UEO events, La Jolla Symphony & Chorus, La Jolla Playhouse, Price Center Bookstore, and discounted entertainment tickets for a number of attractions in San Diego and throughout California.
- Subscription to the Emeriti Association newsletter, Chronicles.
- Subscription to the Emeriti Association e-mail newsgroup for notices of upcoming events
- Invitations to a number of annual Emeriti Association events, including computer and Internet training courses, festive holiday party, spring new member reception, personal finances seminars, and annual executive committee installation luncheon