- President's Message
- Officers
- Constitution
- Boynton_Booklet
This nonprofit organization shall be known as The UC San Diego Emeriti Association.
The purpose of the Association shall be to
provide members an opportunity to maintain contact with their colleagues;
promote the general welfare of the members, their spouses, and their survivors;
assist members to continue their contributions to society; and
perform other acts necessary to attain and administer the Association's goals.
Membership shall be as defined by the Bylaws.
Members in good standing shall be entitled to participate in the activities of the Association, including voting on all ballots and resolutions.
All officers of the Association shall be regular members.
The officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Secretary and the Treasurer may be combined into a Secretary-Treasurer at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
The officers and members-at-large of the Executive Committee shall be elected by secret ballot if there is more than one nominee for any specific office; otherwise a voice vote may be taken.
The Vice President is automatically a nominee for President.
The Executive Committee shall be composed of nine regular members: the officers, the immediate past President and a sufficient number of members-at-large.
Any member of the Executive Committee can be removed at any time by unanimous vote of the remaining members of the Executive Committee.
The Association shall meet at times designated by the Executive Committee, or upon petition of at least ten regular members.
At least one meeting each year shall be designated as the annual business meeting to receive the reports of officers and committees, and to conduct elections.
Each year the Executive Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee which shall, as its sole duty, prepare a list of proposed officers and members-at-large of the Executive Committee. All members included on the list shall have agreed to serve if elected. The Nominating Committee shall, insofar as it is practical, be representative of the various faculties.
Names of members willing to serve if elected may be added to the list of nominees either by petition prior to or from the floor at an annual business meeting.
An amendment of the Constitution of the Association may be proposed to the regular members either by majority vote of the Executive Committee or by a petition presented to the Secretary by regular members, such petition having been signed by no less than ten percent of the regular members who are eligible to vote.
Copies of the amendment(s) shall be sent to each regular member by the Secretary not less than four weeks before an annual business meeting.
Voting on amendments to the Constitution shall be done by mail ballot.
Only regular members shall be eligible to vote on amendments to the Constitution.
A proposed amendment shall be considered adopted if it receives at least two-thirds approval of the mail ballots received by the time of the business meeting or other time designated by the Executive Committee. The vote on the proposed amendment(s) shall not be considered unless at least twenty percent of the ballots have been received.
Approval of a change in the Bylaws shall require a simple majority of the regular members present at a business meeting, provided a quorum is present.